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Taking care of their yards, eliminating 모바일에서 작성

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Brazil Releases GM Mosquitoes to Combat DiseasesSeptember 13, 2017

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A new batch of genetically modified mosquitoes was released in Brazil to combat mosquito-borne diseases such as Dengue, Zika, and Chikungunya.

The GM mosquitoes contain Wolbachia bacterium which interferes with the reproduction of new offsprings, thus eradicating the population and the spread of diseases. According to the head researcher, Luciano Moreira, the effectiveness of the plan will only be evaluated after three to five years. He also called on the residents to help combat the diseases through their own efforts.

"People must be aware that they have to do their part. It's really important. Taking care of their yards, eliminating breeding sites, not leaving containers or vessels with water for mosquitoes to breed," said Moreira.

Around 2 million GM mosquitoes are targeted to be released by the end of 2018.

Read more from Nigeria Circle and Xinhuanet.

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