디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

이것 좀 해석해주세요.

존노럼 2006.03.14 10:14:02
조회 88 추천 0 댓글 1

The government should subsidize struggling museums, theaters, and artists.        I am troubled by the eroding distinction between entertainment and marketing.        Protesters cause more good than harm.        A person cannot be truly spiritual without regularly attending church or temple.        Something like the theory of Natural Selection explains why some people are homeless.        If countries like France are unwilling to cooperate with our military plans, we should treat them as enemies. I feel guilty when I shop at a large national chain.        Social justice should be the foundation of any economic system.        People shouldn't be allowed to have children they can't provide for.        I would defend my property with lethal force.        The world would be better if there were no huge corporations, just small businesses.        Professional athletes are paid too much money. Tradition is a reliable guide in deciding what's right.        When I'm talking to someone and I find out they've served in a war, I respect them more.        If I'm dating someone I like to know where they are and what they're up to at all times.        It bugs me when somebody names their child something like 'Sunshine' or 'Charm'.        Only literate people should be allowed to vote.        People raising children have a responsibility to live up to society's standards. The separation of church and state has demoralized our society.        The 'Word of God' exists only as human beings interpret it.        Blind patriotism is a very bad thing.        We need stronger laws protecting the environment.        I would feel better if there were video cameras on most street corners, to prevent crime.        It should be legal for two consenting adults to challenge each other to a duel and fight a Death Match. Since parents can't be trusted to monitor what their children watch, TV content needs to be more regulated.        If a company invents a pill that cures cancer, they should be allowed to charge whatever they want for it.        The fact that many people starve to death is unfortunate but unavoidable.        It bothers me that many American companies have moved jobs overseas.        It's wrong when environmental regulation puts people out of work, like when limits on logging make it harder for loggers to log logs.        Most people are too stupid to know what's best for them A person has the right to claim the Holocaust never happened, if that's what he believes.        Books with potentially deadly knowledge (like instructions for making awesome bombs) should be regulated.        Being poor and black is an advantage in getting into college.        Eventually, a computer will write the best novel ever written.        I should be able to sell my vote for cash if I feel like it.        America isn't as free as it thinks it is. Employees should have the right to go on strike without the risk of being permanently replaced.        I think the American government should subsidize our small farms.        The life of one American is worth the lives of several foreigners.        A society is only as successful as its least fortunate members.        Practical considerations aside, a person who doesn't use many government services should pay less in taxes.        I think everyone has a right to the basic material necessities of life. Who did you vote for in the 2004 Presidential Election? Kerry Bush Nader Other I didn't vote I couldn't vote (please select this if you're not a U.S. citizen) If you had to pigeonhole yourself as being 'for' or 'against' the following ideas, how would you do it?    FOR  AGAINST   Legal abortion?    The death penalty?    The War on Drugs?    Gun control?    War with Iraq?    School prayer?    좀 길지만 해주실 뿐 좀 해석 좀 해주세요.

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441575 영어 단어책 추천 M1(122.32) 06.01 29 1
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441569 요즘은 흑형발음으로 읽어주네 ㅋㅋ [1] 여래장갤로그로 이동합니다. 06.01 59 0
441567 모두가 꼭 알아야하는 중요한 정보다 ㅇㅇ(195.123) 06.01 47 0
441566 엉어 노베인데 단어 외우는 방법 추천좀 해주세용 [6/1] 영갤러(211.223) 06.01 86 0
441565 u 발음 좀 하자. [1] M1(211.234) 06.01 45 1
441563 do u find her cute [12] 영갤러(219.254) 06.01 96 0
441562 영어 접미사에 대한 이해 [1] Iiii갤로그로 이동합니다. 06.01 85 0
441558 회화 목적으로 캐나다 워홀 가는거 어떰? [5] 영갤러(219.250) 06.01 90 0
441556 영어를 읽는 간단한 방법 [2] 수환쌤(124.53) 06.01 130 3
441555 발음 들어야하는데 네이버는 틀린게 많아서 혹시 추천좀 ㅠㅠ [4/1] ㅇㅇ(117.111) 06.01 75 0
441554 유튭에 사기꾼 ㅈㄴ 많다 영갤러(27.119) 06.01 105 2
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441552 통암기하라 ㅇㅇ(118.235) 06.01 70 0
441551 영어 소설읽기 영갤러(58.141) 06.01 75 0
441550 영어는 gpt가 클로드보다 나은거 같은데 [1] 영갤러(210.204) 05.31 79 0
441549 이코노미스트지 리딩이 양날의 검인게 [1] 셔틀갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.31 85 2
441548 영어 교육책 추천 [1] 영갤러(58.141) 05.31 102 0
441547 영어 회화 학원 어디로 가냐? 직장인 영갤러(218.148) 05.31 55 0
441546 여자들은 왜케 여행을 좋아하냐 [1] 영갤러(27.119) 05.31 77 0
441545 gpt랑 영어공부 어케하냐? [3/1] 영갤러(118.235) 05.31 123 0
441544 하 오늘 11시에 기본매너도 말아먹은 행위를 당했다 ㅇㅇ(175.223) 05.31 55 0
441543 영어는 10분만 공부하면 된다 [2] 천재(220.77) 05.31 108 0
441542 제발 성기건 구문독해 강의 어디서 듣냐 [4] ㄴㄴ(211.234) 05.31 57 0
441540 술안주 용도로도 쓸수 있지만 그게 주가 되면 안됨 영갤러(122.36) 05.31 42 0
441539 이해했으면 됐지 호사가가 되려고 하는거야 영어를 하려는거야 영갤러(122.36) 05.31 42 1
441538 participle라고 하면 이해했을텐데 분사라고 해서 몰랐다고? 영갤러(122.36) 05.31 36 0
441537 keep on doing vs keep doing ㅇㅇ(118.235) 05.31 125 0
441536 keep on doing이랑 keep doing이랑 뭔차이임 [1] 영갤러(219.254) 05.31 65 0
441535 하 시발 좆같은 영어 시발거 발음 개좆같이하네 시발 [1] 트리거(218.237) 05.31 87 0
441534 Phrasal verbs in use [2] M1(211.234) 05.31 75 0
441533 더클래식 세계문학 괜찮음? %p갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.31 37 0
441532 이명학 일리랑 신택스 들었음 [3] ㅇㅇ(121.152) 05.31 92 0
441531 여기 오니까 자신감 생겨난다 [1] 영갤러(220.83) 05.31 75 0
441530 체스로 영어배움 ㅎ [1] 영갤러(223.39) 05.31 59 0
441528 텝스 공부안하고 이정도면 잘하는건가여? 미미(180.81) 05.31 56 1
441527 대한민국 영어교육계 희대의 코미디 – 추가보어 논쟁 영갤러(120.136) 05.31 84 0
441526 추가보어? 유사보어? 준보어? 영갤러(120.136) 05.31 58 0
441525 해외주식 존나하니까 텝스식 영어 존나많이나오네 [1] ㅇㅇ(118.235) 05.31 76 0
441524 단어량 질문 영갤러(123.215) 05.31 51 0
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