디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

Accommodation Officer.

ㅇㅇ(121.137) 2015.09.13 22:16:22
조회 393 추천 0 댓글 0

1. It's the first week of the term, so I am extremely busy.

2. Usually, the Accommodation Service tries to give priority to international students, because they are often unable to arrange accommodation in advance.

3. Now that the term has started, it is getting really difficult to find flats of the type you want.

4. At the moment the flats are being modernized and redecorated. 

The work will probably not be finished for three or four weeks, so I didn't mention them to you when you came in before.


5. When the flats are ready, the rent will be 350,000 won per month, excluding service charges, such as heating, lighting and telephone.

6. I have on large two-bedroom flat which I think will suit you.

It's about 10 minutes by bus from your department. The rent is 425,000 won a month, including all charges except the telephone.

7. I have decided that if you doesn't accept this flat, I am going to recommend you to look for private accommodation.


Hi. How are you today?

So, how is your finding accommodation going? Did you find suitable accommodation?

Oh, at the moment the flats are being modernized and redecorated.

The work will probably not be finished for three or four weeks, so I didn't mention them to you when you came in before.

Usually, the Accommodation Service tries to give priority to international students like you, because they are often unable to arrange accommodation in advance.

So, I understand your situation.

But, now that the term has started, I'm extremely busy and it is getting really difficult to find flats of the type you want.

So, you have three options that I can give you right now.

First, when the flats that you asked just now are ready, the rent will be 350,000(three hundred fifty thousand) won per month, excluding service charges, such as heating, lighting and telephone.(a block of two-bedroom university flats very close to the student's department)

Second, I have one large two-bedroom flat which I think will suit you.

It's about 10 minutes by bus from your department. The rent is 425,000(four hundred twenty five thousand) won a month, including all charges except the telephone.

Finally, if you don't like before-mentioned options, you should look for private accommodation.

Okay. The first requirement corresponds with all options. And the second ------- and the third corresponds with the first and third.

If you can wait for three or four weeks, the first option is suitable.

Why don't you take a loan? Or borrow money from your friends or family.

The first has a problem about time and the second has a problem about distance.

If I make an exception for you, other students require same things.

I'm so sorry. I'm afraid that you should look for private accommodation.

추천 비추천


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