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막노동 기부... 눈알빠짐미노

마음에뜨는별미노갤로그로 이동합니다. 2014.04.17 01:30:51
조회 3837 추천 104 댓글 14



낮에 어떤 횽아가 올려준 잡지 번역해봄미노. 궁금하기도 하고 맨날 짤 꽁짜로 보고 그래서 나두 재능기부 아니 막노동 기부함미노. 너무 흐릿해서 몇군데 오류가 있을 수도 있어. 횽들이 매의 눈으로 지적질 바람. 해석은 쉬운 부분은 스킵하고 간단하게 멘트로 대체.



From Flower Boy to Leading Man

Lee Min-ho has finally become more famous than Goo Joon-pyo

꽃남에서 일인자로. 이민호 마침내 구준표보다 더 유명해지다


For years, the South Korean actor was referred to as "the curly-haired guy" or "the flower boy," referencing his breakout role in 2009 as the wavy-maned Goo Joon-pyo from the hit Korean drama Boys Over Flowers.

몇 년동안 이미노는 뽀글머리, 꽃남으로 불려짐. 그의 출세작 꽃남에서 구준표가 곱슬머리였기 때문


The drama, aired in 19 countries, launched the young actor into mega celebrity status, and while, of course, fans and even a good majority of Korean knew his real name, it took a carefully planned career in the following years for Lee Min-ho to become Lee Min-ho.

19개국에서 방영된 꽃남으로 메가수퍼스타가 되었지만 오늘날의 이민호를 이민호로 만들기 위해선 주의깊게 계획된 커리어가 필요했다.


Now, Lee is internationally recognized as an actor-a leading man, actually, rather than merely a "flower boy", a term ironically popularized by his own drama and used to describe an overly "pretty" guy.

그는 이제 단순한 꽃남이 아니라 배우이자 리딩맨(일인자)로서 국제적으로 인정받게 되었는데 사실 꽃남이란 말은 아이러니하게도 그의 드라마때문에 유명해진 말로서 지나치게 이쁜 남자를 의미한다.


The massive success of his Boys Over Flowers role allowed Lee to become pickier about which parts he does take. "It's definitely something I can be proud of. I've been getting far more offers since Boys Over Flowers, and it's also what helped grow my fan base, which is important because fans are the ones who keep me motivated." said Lee.

꽃남의 엄청난 성공으로 역할을 까다롭게 고를 수 있었고 출연제의도 많아 팬층을 넓히는데 도움이 되었다.


Since his 2009 hit, the 6-foot-tall, lanky actor has starred in a drama every year and they've all been departures from his breakout role. In 2010, Lee played as aspiring architect who is mistaken as gay by his eventual (female) love interest in Personal Taste, while the following year, he played a cold assassin in City Hunter. In 2012, he took an another action role as Goryeo-era warrior in the time travel drama Faith.

2009년 이후 6피트(183), lanky한(여위고 긴 팔다리로 흐느적거리듯 움직이는)  이 배우는 매년 드라마의 주연을 해왔고 꽃남 역할과는 확연히 구별되는 것들이었다. 개취에서 건축가, 시티헌터에서 냉혹한 암살자, 신의에선 무사


For Korean celebrities, maintaining a strong fan base is almost more important than actual talent. Lee often calls his fans "precious" and gushes about their support as "the source of his confidence and focus." He said that he is constantly asking his staff to teach him new languages and phrases in order to better communicate with his foreign fans.

이민호는 자신의 팬을 마이 “프레셔스”라고 부르며 자신의 자신감과 집중력의 원천이라고 말한다. (너님들 골륨골륨 gggg)



While it's hard to take Lee seriously when he says things like, "I survive on the love of fans," the sheer amount of times he remarks on his appreciation for his "Minoz" in public seems to indicate that he's either incredibly aware of the power his fans hold, or he's genuinely grateful.

팬들의 사랑으로 살아간다는 멘트를 진지하게 받아들이긴 힘들지만 그의 계속되는 미노즈에 대한 감사의 표현은 그가 팬의 힘을 알고 있거나 아님 진짜로 감사해서 일수도.


His caution is understandable, given that Korean celebrities have to deal with the "wrath of netizens(online citizens) who seem to yield an alarming amount of influence in the country, which is now the most wired nation in the world.

세계최강 IT 강국 대한민국에서 막강 영향력을 갖고있는 네티즌의 분노를 다뤄야 하는 유명인들을 생각해보면 그의 이런 조심성은 이해가 가기도 한다.  


So, perhaps Lee's careful dealing with his fans is working. Lee's appeal to Korean entertainment executives doesn't just come from his domestic appeal, it also drawn from his huge international fan base, which means, even if a drama starring Lee happens to be a flop in Korea, broadcasters can still distribute the drama overseas - for a "hefty profit".

민호의 신중한 팬 다루기가 약발이 먹혀 한국 엔터업계의 대빵들에게 그의 드라마가 만의 하나 한국에서 잘안된다 하더라도 해외에선 어마어마하게 이익을 가져올 수 있는 것으로 어필됨미노.


Notably, even Lee, who's been labeled a "hallyu(Korean wave) star," doesn't quite understand the appeal Korean shows have overseas.

미노조차 한국들마가 해외에서 그렇게 인기있는 이유를 정확하게는 알지 못한다.


"I think there's an exclusive emotional element in Korean dramas," he said. "It's hard to explain in words, and it's actually a question I want to ask the fans."

한국드라마에만 있는 고유한 감성적 요소가 있을 거라고 생각하지만 말로 설명하기 힘들고 사실 저도 팬들에게 물어보고 싶어요.


Knowing Lee's reputation, it probably is something he will ask his fans at some point in the near future.

언젠간 물어보겠지요.


But, last year, he played a teenage chaebol heir, in his new TV show, The Heirs. At the press conference, Lee fielded a question about his decision to come full circle to the type of role that put him on the map.

작년 재벌 상속자 역할을 하였는데 그는 기자회견에서 스타덤에 오르게 한 꽃남같은 역할로 왜 다시 돌아갔냐는 질문을 재치있게 받아넘겼다.


"Four years have passed since I starred in Boys Over Flowers, and I am playing a high school chaebol heir again because," Lee pause, before rephrasing his answer. "At some point during four years, I realised that I rarely that I rarely felt wildly happy. I also realised that there wasn't much to be sad about either. My life felt void of ups and downs.

꽃남 이후 4년동안 정신나간 행복도 불행도 없었다.


"So, before I grow past my 20s, I wanted to play a more upbeat character, one that would allow me to return to that feeling of simple, uncomplicated innocence that I had when I was younger."

20대를 다 보내기 전에 어렸을 때의 순수하고 복잡하지 않은 발랄한 역할을 다시 해보고 싶어졌다.


The Heirs had an impressive viewer rate of 25.6% (Nilson Korea, Nationwide basis) for its last episode that aired on December 12th, thus ending the hit drama. Not only was the viewer rate in numbers, it also created various popular words and phrases, and it obviously was a work that had a powerful ability to reach out and influence viewers.

이 드라마는 시청률도 높고 많은 유명한 대사를 만들어냈다.


Thanks to these popular drama, Lee's popularity has roared internationally.

덕분에 미노의 인기는 국제적으로 치솟았다


Korean television actors rarely travel worldwide for press events, but Lee has a reputation for going abroad to greet his fans, who incidentally even have a name: "Minoz." During his Manila visit, that country's media outlets declared, "Manila falls in love with Lee Min-ho" and "Korea's superstar sweeps the nation." In Japan, he took the No.1 spot for "Best Hallyu Star" in a Japanese magazine dedicated to Korean dramas in 2012. Last December, Lee won the Best Asian Actor award at the 2013 Baidu Feidian Awards ceremony in Beijing, China. And the drama The Heirs reached 160 million hits on the video site Youku.com last November.

다른 한국스타들과는 틀리게, 이름까지 갖고 있는 자신의 팬 미노즈를 만나기 위해 해외를 자주 방문하는 스타로 그는 유명하다. 필리핀에 갔을 때 “마닐라는 이미노와 사랑에 빠졌다” “한국스타가 필리핀을 휩쓸다”고 언론이 보도. 일본에선 한류스타 1위. 작년 중국 바이두에서 최고 아시아 배우상 수상. 유쿠, 상속자 조회수 1억 6천 기록


Though many Hollywood stars often try to escape attention, Lee is active on several social networking sites, including Facebook (he has over 6.4 million fans) and Twitter, with almost a million followers. Even in China, he has over 10 million followers on Weibo. He said he likes that this type of media gives him a more direct way to connect with his fans.

할리우드 스타들이 관심을 벗어나려고 하는 반면 이민호는 페이스북이나 트위터 웨이보를 팬들과 자신을 연결하는 방법으로 좋아한다.(뒤에 수치는 틀렸는데 원본 그대로)


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